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API Reference

API Reference
SMS batch API
Voice Calling
Voice Messaging
Conversations API
Contacts API (v2)
Integrations API
File Storage API
Omnichannel Widget
Partner Accounts
Named Entity Recognition
Language Detection
Voice Messaging API’s Voice Messaging API enables you to transform text messages into voice messages to any country. Each voice message is identified by a unique random ID that can be used to check the status of the voice message. You can select from 26 languages and different attributes such as male or female voice, speaking rate, repeat, schedule, and more.

The Voice Messaging API uses HTTP verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure with an access key that is used as the API Authorization framework. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON—although we provide a GET alternative for requests—using UTF-8 encoding and URL encoded values.

API Endpoint
All URLs referenced in’s Voice Messaging API documentation have the base URL in the code snippet on the right side:

API Endpoint
Available HTTP methods
The API uses HTTP verbs to understand if you want to read (GET), delete (DELETE) or create (POST) an object. When your web application cannot do a POST or DELETE, we provide the ability to set the method through the query parameter _method.

Available HTTP methods
POST /voicemessages
GET /voicemessages
GET /voicemessages/{voiceMessageId}
DELETE /voicemessages/{voiceMessageId}
The voice message object
This object represents a voice message at

Attribute Type Description
id string A unique random ID which is created on the platform and is returned upon creation of the object.
href string The URL of the created object.
reference string A client reference
originator string The sender of the message. A telephone number (including country code).
body string The body of the SMS message. The maxlength is 1000 characters. Check the voice body for more options
language string The language in which the message needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: cy-gb,da-dk,de-de,el-gr,en-au,en-gb,en-gb-wls,en-in,en-us,es-es,es-mx,es-us,fr-ca,fr-fr,id-id,is-is,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,ms-my,nb-no,nl-nl,pl-pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ro-ro,ru-ru,sv-se,ta-in,th-th,tr-tr,vi-vn,zh-cn,zh-hk.
voice string The voice in which the messages needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: male, female.
repeat int The number of times the message needs to be repeated. Maximum is 10 times.
ifMachine string What to do when a machine picks up the phone? Possible values are:
– continue do not check, just play the message
– delay if a machine answers, wait until the machine stops talking
– hangup hangup when a machine answers
Default is: delay.
machineTimeout integer The time (in milliseconds) to analyze if a machine has picked up the phone. Used in combination with the delay and hangup values of the ifMachine attribute. Minimum: 400, maximum: 10000. Default is: 7000.
scheduledDatetime datetime The scheduled date and time of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
createdDatetime datetime The date and time of the creation of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
recipients hash The hash with recipient information. Further explanation in the table below.
Object example
“body”:”The voice message to be sent”,
The recipients array
Attribute Type Description
totalCount integer The total count of recipients.
totalSentCount integer The count of recipients that have the message pending (status calling).
totalDeliveredCount integer The count of recipients where the message is delivered (status answered).
totalDeliveryFailedCount integer The count of recipients where the delivery has failed (status failed, busy, machine).
items array An array of recipient hashes
items[].recipient integer The msisdn of the recipient
items[].status string The status of the message sent to the recipient. Possible values: calling, answered, failed. For future use the following status are reserved: busy and machine
items[].statusDatetime datetime The datum time of the last status in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
items[].recipientCountry string The name of the recipient’s original country, based on MSISDN.
items[].recipientCountryPrefix integer The prefix code for the recipient’s original country, based on MSISDN.
items[].recipientOperator string The name of the operator of the recipient. Identified by MCCMNC of the message.
items[].messageLength integer The length of the message in characters. Depends on the message datacoding.
items[].statusReason string The details about the message status. Possible values: successfully delivered, pending DLR, DLR not received, incorrect number, unknown subscriber, expired, timeout, and generic delivery failure.
items[].price hashmap A hashmap with extra information about how much the message costs.
Note: see this article for more details about our pricing policy.
items[].price.amount float | null The price the message was billed with. It could have a null value if the message isn’t billed yet.
items[].price.currency string | null The alphabetic code of the price currency, in ISO 4217 format. It could have null value if the message isn’t billed yet.
items[].mccmnc string | null The code of the operator of the message sender. It could have null value if the message isn’t delivered yet.
items[].mcc string | null The MCC (Mobile Country Code) part of MCCMNC.
items[].mnc string | null The MNC (Mobile Network Code) part of MCCMNC.
The voice body
By tweaking the body you can alter the speed and delays in the spoken text.

You can add a small delay between words or digits by adding a comma (,). Another possibility is adding the “break” tag with an attribute “value” in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

It is also possible to change the speaking rate, you can use the “prosody” tag with an attribute “value” in percentage.

Delay with a comma
Hello, your login token is 1, 8, 3, 4, 0
Delay with a break tag
Hello, your login token is18340
Speaking rate
Your login token is 1, 8, 3, 4, 0 Send a voice message
This request creates a new voice message object. returns the created voice message object with each request. Per request, a max of 50 recipients can be entered.

Example request
curl -X POST https://rest. \
-H ‘Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM’ \
-d “recipients=31612345678” \
-d “body=The voice message to be sent”
Required parameters
Parameter Type Description
body string The body of the SMS message. Required
recipients array The array of recipients msisdns. Required
Optional parameters
Parameter Type Description
originator string The sender of the message. A telephone number (including country code).
reference string A client reference
language string The language in which the message needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: cy-gb,da-dk,de-de,el-gr,en-au,en-gb,en-gb-wls,en-in,en-us,es-es,es-mx,es-us,fr-ca,fr-fr,id-id,is-is,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,ms-my,nb-no,nl-nl,pl-pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ro-ro,ru-ru,sv-se,ta-in,th-th,tr-tr,vi-vn,zh-cn,zh-hk. Default: en-gb
voice string The voice in which the messages needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: male, female. Default: female
repeat int The number of times the message needs to be repeated. Default: 1
ifMachine string What to do when a machine picks up the phone? Possible values are:
– continue do not check, just play the message
– delay if a machine answers, wait until the machine stops talking
– hangup hangup when a machine answers
Default is: delay.
machineTimeout integer The time (in milliseconds) to analyze if a machine has picked up the phone. Used in combination with the delay and hangup values of the ifMachine attribute. Minimum: 400, maximum: 10000. Default: 7000
scheduledDatetime datetime The scheduled date and time of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
Returns a message object if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.

Example response
“body”:”The voice message to be sent”,
View a voice message
This request retrieves the information of an existing voice message. You only need to supply the unique voice message id that was returned upon creation.

Required parameters
Parameter Type Description
id string A unique random ID which is created on the platform and is returned upon creation of the object. Required
GET https://rest.{voiceMessageID}
Example request
curl -X GET https://rest. \
-H ‘Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM’
If successful, this request will return a voice message object. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.

Example response
“body”:”The voice message to be sent”,
“statusReason”:”successfully delivered”,
List voice messages
To list all inbound and outbound voice messages, you can do a GET request on the /messages endpoint.

Messages are identified by a unique random ID. You can use this ID to check the status of the SMS message through the provided endpoint.

API Endpoint
curl -X GET https://rest. \
-H ‘Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM’
Besides listing all voice messages, the Voice API also provides some filters that can be used as query parameters:

Filter Type Description
originator string Display messages by the specified originator.
recipient string Display messages for the specified recipient.
limit int Limit the amount of messages listed.
offset int Skip first n results.
contact_id int Display messages by contact_id. See
Contacts API
for more info.
status string Display messages with status scheduled, sent, buffered, delivered, expired, or delivery_failed.
from datetime Display messages starting from the specified date in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP).
until datetime Display messages until the specified date in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP).
If successful, this request will return an object with a list of voice message objects. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.

Example response
“offset”: 0,
“limit”: 30,
“count”: 2,
“totalCount”: 2,
“links”: {
“first”: “https://rest.”,
“previous”: null,
“next”: null,
“last”: “https://rest.”
“items”: [
“body”:”The voice message to be sent”,
Handle a status report
Status reports are requests that are sent to your platform through a GET request. The requests hold information about the status of a voice message that you have sent through our API. Status reports are only provided for voice messages that have a reference and accounts that have configured their status report url.

Attribute Type Description
id string A unique random ID which is created on the platform and is returned upon creation of the object.
reference string A client reference
recipient string The recipient where this status report applies to.
status string The status of the message sent to the recipient. Possible values: calling, answered, failed. For future use the following status are reserved: busy and machine
statusDatetime datetime The datum time of this status in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
Example request
GET http://your-own.url/script?id=e8077d803532c0b5937c639b60216938&reference=YouReference123&recipient=31612345678&status=delivered&statusDatetime=2016-04-13T07:27:49+00:00
Your platform should respond with a 200 OK HTTP header. When our platform doesn’t receive a 200 OK header, we will try to deliver the receipt again (up to 10 times).

Example response
200 OK
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